When nothing is going right

Just go fishing!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Gone Fishing!

We all have days where we become overwhelmed and feel panicked.  It just so happens that today is International Panic Day and the ideal day to demonstrate compassion towards someone you know experiencing this syndrome.  Were you aware that an estimated 4.7% of U.S. adults experience panic disorder at some time in their lives?  If you would like to know more about how you can assist someone experiencing a panic attack, this link will take you to some positive and supportive approaches.

For those who wish to shuck off the day’s stress and have an hour or so to relax, today is also International Go Fishing Day as well.  Many people find the pastime of fishing to be pleasurable and relaxing.  Were you aware fishing offers many health benefits, including exercise?

Here are the 5 health benefits from fishing:
·      Improves full body strength
·      Boosts Immune system
·      Improves cardiovascular health
·      Bestows Patience 
·      Increases balance

Nobody wishes to make light of someone's fear during a panic attack. However, suggestions in the above link for helping are to guide him or her towards focusing on the environment around them, as well as adding exercise to their daily routine.  The opportunity to combine a relaxing afternoon in nature with a focused task such as fishing is very close to meditation, which has been linked to lowered blood pressure and decreased anxiety.

When you think about it that way. . . combining International Panic Day with National Go Fishing Day makes total sense.

(Tweet this): Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. But teach a man how to fish and he’ll be healthy for life!


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