The first thing to do to be successful

is fall in love with your work.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Let’s Hear It For Monday!

Thank goodness it’s Monday!  Yes, you read that right. 

Many an innocent school child has said, “Mondays are terrible, why do they have to be at the beginning of the week”?  Unfortunately, children are not alone in this belief.  However, as children they don’t understand the concept of having control over how we view our circumstances.  It’s up to us to change the script and see the first day of the workweek in a new light.

Here’s a new habit that will get you excited about Mondays and looking forward to the rest of the week:

Treat yourself to one new personal risk.

When writing out your list of goals for the week, make a point to set one aggressive personal goal such as; experimenting with a new recipe, reading a book or mastering a new exercise technique.  The point of this exercise is to provide you motivation during the week to pursue an interest that you enjoy.

You have the power to shift from “why do I have to” to an “I can’t wait to get started” mindset.

Mondays arespecial, and today just happens to be, National Thank God It’s Monday Day. Therefore, in celebration let’s make today the Monday we rethink our approach to the first of the five business days.

(Tweet this):  Always believe something wonderful is about to happen. 


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