It's Magic! 3/5/17

Monday March 5, 2018

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein

It's easy to fall into unconstructive behavior when your mind is running on default and frustration pulls you out of a routine and down the rabbit hole.  While operating in default has its benefits, the process will never serve you as an effective habit.
It's simple to course correct and return the brain's thoughts back to positivity by developing a magic muscle.  What is that and how does one go about accomplishing this act?
It's simple when you pull out a few magic tricks. Remember, you are the ringleader of your own circus.  In order to maintain an efficient day, having systems and habits in place allows you to fall into a default mode while interruptions disappear.
Here are two behaviors you can employ immediately:
Trick your brain  by subjecting it to a positive insight.   The world is rigged in my favor."  Say it with conviction, believe it is possible and you will achieve it.  Reinforce this belief throughout the day.  Recognize that every interruption, delay or inconvenience is designed to get you to the end goal.
Flip the questionWhen you flip the question, you'll discover an immediate solution to the challenge. "Why am I stuck in this deli line" becomes, "I am stuck in this line because to gives me 5 minutes to read and respond to an email." 
The real trick is not magic but a realization that removing negative views will free up energy allowing us to focus on solutions and achieve goals.   
Let's make it a great day!  
(Tweet these): "We become what we think about."  ~ Earl Nightingale.


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