Let's run that March Lion out of town.

Aren't lambs so much more cuddly?

I've Got the Power!

Monday Month 12, 2018


Slow down and enjoy life.  It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast, you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.  ~ Eddie Cantor

This past week many of us experienced the fierce Lion roaring in the month of March. Thanks to Mother Nature and her not so gentle cue, we were reminded that we are not "in charge."
These early March winter storms created long-term power outages and separated us from our electricity, Internet, cable and plumbing.  By the third night of living like a Pilgrim we began to get the hang of it.  
Did you embrace the powerless life?  Were you able to reconnect with family or pets, pick up an old hobby such as; reading an actual book, play a board game or have a face-to-face conversation?  Wasn't it wonderful?
Don't get me wrong! I was thrilled when the power came back on, but still found it difficult to jump back into the hectic hustle of everyday life. 
We all have  the power  to keep that frantic pace at bay when we choose to exercise it.  Pick a night (or day) to experience technology-free time. Take a brake to unplug and revisit relaxing pastimes. After a recent revisit with leisurely past pursuits, wasn't it enlightening to recognize who's in charge when it comes to keeping your power?
Here's hoping the lamb shows up soon! 
(Tweet this): Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. ~ May Sarton
Follow Rochelle on Twitter: @RochelleShares


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